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Order form - Part 2

Bosch Car Service Norway

Please fill out the form on this page to register and get your new localized Bosch Car Service website. You provide the necessary information for the creation of your workshop website on the new Bosch Car Service web platform.

How to proceed:
Fill in the form with content about your workshop. You can use the content from your existing website as a starting point. Your workshop's new website will be created based on the information you provide. A link to the test version of the website will be sent to the contact person's email address provided in the form. The test version is not public and only available through the link provided.

You can explore the website starter template on this page. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it during registration to make the process easier. The start-up fee is only payable once.

Bosch Car Service
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1 of 13

1.0 Contact person