Hjem / About us

Transformation is in our DNA

We are proud of our 125-year history. Change is necessary for survival, and an indomitable will to adapt has brought us through two world wars, three stock market crashes, four pandemics and rapid technological development.

Right from the start, we have been willing to change, curious and enthusiastic. We’ve gone from working with the blackest lead to today’s Nordic Swan Ecolabeled print production and digital world. Now from our base in a modern eco-energy building.

We assist with design, communication, digital solutions, marketing, content and printed matter. Wera consists of experienced and forward-thinking people who take pride in managing their customers’ values and goals. That’s why we’re constantly searching for the optimal solution that provides value for our customers. Because communication without insight, strategy and wisdom isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Our printing presses have been running since 1895, and we have been working purposefully with sustainability for over 15 years. In 2005, we were the first printing company in Telemark to be awarded the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Now we’re first again. We are the first printing company in Norway to climate compensate for our paper consumption through World Land Trust. This means that every kilogram of paper we buy (from European forests, mind you) helps protect Vietnam’s rainforest.

It’s nice to think that our contribution is helping to save the rainforest. A little bit.