Hjem / New website and photo for Safelink

We were contacted by Safelink when they wanted an updated website that could better showcase their products and news. The result was a new website made from scratch with products and news in focus!

From static to dynamic

The main task in this project was to develop a website that was “alive” in the sense that the customer could publish their own content, without having to go through a lot of unnecessary manual work. The way the site is structured makes it easy to create news stories, subpages for products and job ads. The front page is automatically updated when new pages are published, everything is fully automated!

Responsive web design

Responsive web design

Did you know that almost half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices? That’s why it’s so important to make sure your site works on all devices, especially mobile. We’ve designed Safelink.no to look and function optimally regardless of which device you use.

Professional images that showcase the people of Safelink

Safelink also wanted new image material for use in press releases and reviews, and for internal communication. Wera provided bright, professional images that showcase Safelink’s employees.

Do you need a new website or photo?