Hjem / Action-packed competition in AquaCross

AquaCross is an action-packed obstacle course both above and below water, designed to test balance, strength and endurance. Skien Leisure Park is the first in Norway to offer this unique activity, and to raise awareness of the concept, WERA was commissioned to create an engaging film. The result? An intense duel between father and son in true Champion of Champions style.

Skien Leisure Park wanted a film that not only showed what AquaCross is, but also created curiosity and inspiration to try the activity.

It was important to convey both the element of competition and the feeling of mastery, while at the same time making the film entertaining and engaging for a wide audience.

To create an engaging and dynamic film, we built the story around a classic competitive duel.

The film starts with two introductory interviews in which the participants, father and son Knut and Jakob Sandbakken, present themselves and their own strengths and weaknesses in the face of the AquaCross course. The one who loses? Well, he has to jump from the 5-meter!

The film provides an engaging insight into AquaCross, showing both mastery and fun in a way that inspires viewers to take on the challenge themselves.

Watch the movie here!